Tag Archives: depression

Blue Monday

There have been a lot of facebook posts going around (which I love btw) talking about couches being open to friends when they need a place to land, a shoulder to cry on etc.

I wanted to share this study I learned about awhile back that is so powerful especially so on blue Monday.

Many people especially in the Midwest suffer from seasonal affective disorder or SAD. Part of the problem is that we have less sunshine and the cold, dreary weather can contribute to isolation. We are social beings and need contact. Wayne Dyer describes a Swedish study of Random Acts of Kindness and serotonin levels. When a person practices an act of kindness his serotonin levels increase. The person receiving the act of kindness will also experience a boost in serotonin levels. And interestingly enough a witness to the act of kindness will also benefit with a rise in serotonin levels. What’s more is that this lift in endorphins has a lasting effect and because it impacts the giver, receiver and witness one small act of kindness can ripple out in the world. If the winter months leave you with a sense of dread this is a perfect time to practice random acts of kindness and contribute to not only your serotonin levels but those around you as well. The giver of kindness receives the highest boost in feel good endorphins but don’t be afraid to also receive kindness.

How many random acts of kindness can you offer your tiny corner of the world today? Lets raise up that serotonin! Share your stories on the facebook page. 🙂

I’ll leave you with this, my favorite happy pose, named fittingly so.

Happy Buddha

look up and laugh!

Displaying IMG_0501.JPG

April Seasonal Self Care Class ReCap

Last month we began our discussion of the Liver/Gall bladder system and how it relates to the Spring and our physical bodies. The liver system is also closely related to our emotions, especially anger, irritability and depression.

In Chinese Medicine the Kidneys control the bones, the Spleen control the muscles and the Liver controls the tendons. In yoga theory proper alignment begins with the bones. When the bones are balanced the muscles simply hug the bones in support. What happens when misalignment occurs especially over a long period of time?

The deepest layer are the bones and they relate to fear. Constant misalignment can contribute to fear. You know those irrational fears, the ones you don’t even talk about. Fear of failure, fear of success etc etc. This can be very unconscious as our posture is always present yet we rarely pay attention to it.

The second layer are the muscles and they relate to worry. Worry is sometimes easier to pay attention to as it usually is closer to the surface and found in our thoughts. Worry can also be referred to as over thinking, ruminating and being pensive.

The last layer we will talk about are the tendons and sinews. The tendons connect the muscles to bones. When misalginment occurs the tendons are pulled and stretched often passed their normal limits. The liver controls are ability to relax, especially when its time to relax. Do you have trouble with that? Your posture could be a contributing factor. When the tendons are overworked in this way irritability, anger or depression can be present or you might find that you easily “fly off the handle” so to speak. Its literally when the body has reached its breaking point.

The body is really great at making changes. Little steps build slowly into easy habits. You might find as we move through our yoga practice old thoughts, memories or emotions float up to the surface. This happens so the body can release these old patterns and make room for the new ones. As best you can simply observe what comes up and when you are ready let it go. (the oil blends chosen for this month are especially helpful at working through these emotions) Sometimes this is instantaneous and sometimes you might work with a particular thought or feeling for awhile until it releases.

Besides practicing yoga what can you do to instill proper alignment? It all begins with awareness. Pay attention to how you sit when you drive, work, eat, relax etc. How do you feel in these postures? How does your body breathe? Do you feel balanced?

We talked about this in the winter time, feel free to reference back to the winter recaps if you were in class or you can purchase the info for $15.

The foundation of our alignment is in our pelvis. Next the femur bones of the legs and humerus bones of the arms must be grounded in their sockets. This not only allows the body to be properly oxygenated but helps keeps the emotions grounded and able to be expressed in a healthy manner.

Yoga Practice

Mountain Pose


Difficult Pose reach back like sitting in chair, fold from hips, bend knees, knees in lined with ankles


Wood Chopper- deep breath in through the nose as you raise hands, gusty exhale as you chop wood ( keep knees bent for low back support)

wood chopper 1wood chopper 2

Mountain Pose


Eagle there are many modifications to eagle pose. If this seems to intense, repeat difficult post. Start with feet first, keep hips squared (don’t hike the hip that is crossed over) You can also do this pose with hips supported by wall.


Wide Legged forward fold- keep knees bent for proper alignment if hamstrings are tight,

forward fold

Rag doll- bend knees and rest upper body on thighs, reach for opposite elbow with opposite hand

rag doll

Squat- rest heels on pillow or blanket if you can’t squat with feet rooted to ground, you can also place a block or bolster under sits bones for support


Reclined Bound Angle

bound angle

Constructive Rest Pose




Acu points

LI4- in the webbing between thumb and index finger, opens circulation to the upper half of body, helps to seperate negative thoughts

LV3- in between webbing between first and second toes. Opens circulation to the lower half of the body. Helps with relieving irritability and pain in the body


CV17- opens the heart and build energy, helps to relieve anxiety



GB40- helps release anger and tension in the body




This oil blend helps to release emotions and trauma stored in the liver. Massage 1-3 drops over the liver, soles of the feet and lower back daily or as needed. Contains ylang ylang, lavandin, geranium, sandalwood, blue tansy, olive oil.

Oola Grow


Young Living and Oola have partnered together to offer this one of a kind essential oil blend Oola Grow. This blend is designed to help you reach unlimited potential and growth in many aspects of life. Whether it’s emotional, spiritual, or mental, Oola Grow gives you courage to focus on the task at hand and helps you move forward towards positive advancements and progression. Massage 1-3 drops over soles of feet, heart and crown of head daily or as needed.

Contains ylang ylang, white fir, blue tansy, cedarwood, blue cypress, jasmine, galbanum, frankincense, sandalwood, lavender, cinnamon, rose, geranium, coriander, bergamot, neroli, roman chamomile, spruce, rosewood, clary sage, juniper, idaho tansy, orange, almond oil, fractionated coconut oil.

You can order these oils here. 


Natural Remedy for Winter Blues

In Chinese Medicine it is pretty clear that the body is interconnected. When one organ or
channel becomes imbalanced, the rest will start to become imbalanced as well. This is the
same reason why an acu point on the top of the foot can be used on the opposite side of the
body to treat a one sided headache.
Modern medicine is catching up to ancient wisdom.
Wayne Dyer reports that in recent Swedish study of serotonin levels people who extend acts of kindness raise their serotonin levels. Not only does the person acting kindly towards someone feel the effect, the person receiving kindness and those witnessing kindness also receive a boost in serotonin levels. 
How is that for interconnectedness? 🙂 Help someone, feel good! Accept help from someone, feel good! Watch someone help someone else, feel good!

I felt so impacted by this notion of raising serotonin levels that I made it a practice to be as kind as I could to those around me. Not only did my mood improve, I also felt like I had more energy, that I smiled more for no reason, that life didn’t seem so stressful. What did it really cost me to give the man standing on the off ramp of the freeway the leftovers of the lunch I couldn’t finish, or reaching for a bag of rice for a woman too short to reach it at the grocery store, cleaning the toilet that hadn’t been washed in a month (instead of arguing about who’s turn it was), leaving a couple extra bucks for a waitress, the list could continue. The most amazing impact of this experiment that I found was that people, strangers, began extending the same kind of kindness to me in small ways, in large ways. I have become acutely aware of the goodness returning in my life ten-fold.

Imagine the impact you could have, not only in your own life, but in all the lives around you if you started to look for the small acts of kindness around you instead of the disasters, if you consciously made an effort to be kind, or if you consciously made an effort to receive kindness. Remember its the little things in life that can make the most difference. *And a friendly reminder to all of you that are used to being on the giving side: learn how to receive!  🙂

If you are prone to feeling down in the winter months, change your perspective or check out yesterdays blog on our winter blue’s meditation. 🙂 If you are feeling isolated find a way to build community: take a class, volunteer, try something you’ve never done before.

Let me know about your random acts of kindness. Share a comment here or on the facebook page. I’d love to hear about it!