Category Archives: Natural Remedy

Natural Remedy for Dry Skin


This week we have been focusing on the skin which is controlled by the lung/large intestine system in Chinese Medicine and is associated with Fall. The pathogen of fall is also dryness and you might have noticed your skin getting dry as well. Our natural remedy for the week is Epsom Salts. It seems I’ve been recommending Epsom salts quite a bit lately so I wanted you to know why and how to use them.

Epsom salt baths have many benefits including:
* Easing stress and relaxing the body (massage in a tub)
* Relieving pain and muscle cramping
* Assisting proper muscle and nerve functions
* Helping prevent hardening of arteries and blood clots
* Improving insulin function to prevent diabetes
* Relieving constipation
* Eliminating toxins from the body
* Reliving dry skin
* Volumizing hair
Baths are a great way to receive the benefits of these salts. Many people do not enjoy baths, don’t have a tub or don’t fit comfortably in a tub. Your skin is a porous organ and absorbs what is put on it into the body. Epsom salts contain magnesium sulfate which is a natural muscle relaxant. Because of the skin’s ability to absorb you don’t have to immerse your entire body into a tub of water to receive the benefits. A foot soak is just as effective. Grab a basin or dish tub and fill with water and pour your salts in with the water. This is also a great way to improve circulation if you have cold feet or numbness in the feet.
An epsom salt bath weekly has many preventative benefits as well especially for insomnia, period cramps, cysts, and after workout soreness.
How to use:
Pour 1 cup (or more depending on your preference) to bath water and soak for 10-20 minutes.
There are several types of salts i.e. dead sea salts, Himalayan sea salts, grey clay etc. Each of these salts contains additional minerals that are beneficial to the body. Depending on the effect you desire.
Detox bath (great for tired, sore or crampy muscles)
1/2 cup epsom salts
1/2 cup sea salt
1/2 cup baking soda
For dry skin take a hand full of epsom salts and massage into skin first before entering bath or shower
I have made a custom bath salt blend for the fall available in the office or I can ship them to you. This blend contains Epsom salts, dead sea salts and Himalayan sea salts with therapeutic grade essential oils of lavender, roman chamomile, and geranium for a perfect fall treat to keep your skin soft and the body relaxed and warm! Leave me a message and I will reserve a Fall Blend just for you!




Medical & Health Information

Any information on this website is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, cure, or treat any illness or disease: it has not been evaluated by the FDA. Neither are the products mentioned on this website meant to do the same: they have been evaluated by the FDA. Information here is strictly for informational and educational purposes only and is not medical advice. Please seek a qualified health professional of your choice when making health choices for yourself or any member of your family – pets included. By proceeding to read articles / posts, look at pictures, watch videos, contact Sarah Canga, and listen to audios you agree and accept these terms.

2 last thoughts on Garlic

I came across these articles and wanted to share them with you as we close out our week on garlic. The first article is titled How Garlic Can Save Your Life from greenmedinfo blog. Here is the opening paragraph.

Research on garlic indicates that it may provide an ideal low-cost and safe alternative to drugs and vaccines in reducing the three most common causes of death in the world.

In a world mesmerized by the false promises of pharmaceutical industry marketing copy, as well as inundated with aggressively marketed dietary supplements, many of which are manufactured by the same companies making a killing off patented chemicals (Bayer owns One A Day, Pfizer owns Centrum), it is reassuring to know that the kitchen pantry will never fail us…

The second article from is on a delicious sounding soup made with 52 cloves of garlic! I haven’t made it yet but if you get to it before I do please let me know how it is! Here is the opening paragraph…

Forget the flu shot. A soup based on more than 50 cloves of garlic, onions, thyme and lemon will destroy almost any virus that enters its path including colds, flu and even norovirus.

As we sneeze and cough our way through these dark months of contagious nasties, garlic is being hailed for its powers to halt viruses in their tracks. It has gained its reputation as a virus buster thanks to one of its chemical constituents, allicin.

A recent and significant finding from Washington State University shows that garlic is 100 times more effective than two popular antibiotics at fighting disease causing bacteria commonly responsible for foodborne illness. Read More on…

Medical & Health Information

Any information on this website is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, cure, or treat any illness or disease: it has not been evaluated by the FDA. Neither are the products mentioned on this website meant to do the same: they have been evaluated by the FDA. Information here is strictly for informational and educational purposes only and is not medical advice. Please seek a qualified health professional of your choice when making health choices for yourself or any member of your family – pets included. By proceeding to read articles / posts, look at pictures, watch videos, contact Sarah Canga, and listen to audios you agree and accept these terms.

Natural Remedy for Cough and Congestion

Here’s an easy way to break up congestion from a cough that won’t seem to go away.

What you will need:

1 small onion diced
1 teaspoon of fresh garlic minced
2 tablespoons olive oil


Place diced onion in an oiled glass baking dish and heat in oven set to 350 for about 20 minutes or until onion becomes translucent and slimy. Remove from oven and pour onion in a clean bowl. Mix garlic and olive oil with the onion and allow to cool. Mixture should be warm but not hot. Place mixture on chest and cover with a warm, wet wash cloth. Cover with a dry wash cloth or towel. If you are putting on your children I would massage the oil over the chest and upper back and put on an old t-shirt that you don’t care about getting stained. (you can massage the onion/garlic mixture into skin and remove after oil has started to set in if you prefer) Keep poultice on for up to 2 hours, then remove.  Repeat as needed. We are using it today for my little one and alternating with hyssop and eucalyptus blue and local honey.


Did it help? Don’t forget to let me know! 🙂

Sarah Canga

Sarah Canga


If congestion persists don’t forget that cupping over the upper/mid back can be very effective at releasing congestion, cough and clearing up a cold.

Medical & Health Information

Any information on this website is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, cure, or treat any illness or disease: it has not been evaluated by the FDA. Neither are the products mentioned on this website meant to do the same: they have been evaluated by the FDA. Information here is strictly for informational and educational purposes only and is not medical advice. Please seek a qualified health professional of your choice when making health choices for yourself or any member of your family – pets included. By proceeding to read articles / posts, look at pictures, watch videos, contact Sarah Canga, and listen to audios you agree and accept these terms.

Keep the Wind Out: A Fun Twist on Wrapping a Regular Old Scarf

I mentioned this last week on Facebook. Right now the wind is really wreaking havoc, from neck pain to sciatica, Belly’s Palsy, muscle cramps and rashes to sore throats and colds.

In Chinese Medicine when the body becomes depleted it can easily be invaded by wind through the back of the neck. This can cause all sorts of ailments in the body which is why wind is known as the mother of 1,000 diseases.

What to do, what to do.

First don’t sleep with a fan blowing directly on you or next to an open window especially if its breezy.

The days are warm but the mornings and evenings are cool and the temperature can change quick so make sure to dress in layers and wear a scarf or high collar if you are outside and its windy.

I am always a fan of a scarf or pashmina. Here is a fun twist on wrapping a regular old scarf around your neck. Forgive the pictures, they are self portraits done quickly during nap time! 🙂

Start with looping your scarf like you normally do, see below

Next take the center loop and twist it kind of like a figure 8

Now take the outside ends of your scarf and slide them into the lower loop of your figure 8

And here’s what you will end up with, ta-da! A cute scarf that will keep the wind away

Natural Remedy for Sore Throat (and immune health)

Natural Remedy for Sore Throat or a super easy, tasty immune boost

This makes me think of what my mom would always make me when I was sick as a kid. A cup of warm water, lemon juice and honey with a toasted english muffin lightly buttered and sprinkled with cinnamon. 🙂

What you need:

2 lemons

fresh ginger root


raw honey

For a sore throat and overall immune boosting – cut up 2 lemons, drop them in a small mason jar. Finely grind 1/2 – 1 fresh ginger root. Add 1 tsp. cinnamon or pumlin spice mix. Pour raw honey over. Stir well. Store in the fridge. Take 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day (or more if desired). Can be added to a cup of cold or warm (NOT HOT!!!) water or tea.

And, if you don’t have the time to make this because you are already feeling sick and don’t want to run out to the store there are always the ginger honey crystals available in the office. 🙂 A box of 10 packets can get you up to 30 cups of tea. You can mix into warm water or tea.

What to know about a natural remedy? Leave your comments and I will write one just for you!

Medical & Health Information

Any information on this website is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, cure, or treat any illness or disease: it has not been evaluated by the FDA. Neither are the products mentioned on this website meant to do the same: they have been evaluated by the FDA. Information here is strictly for informational and educational purposes only and is not medical advice. Please seek a qualified health professional of your choice when making health choices for yourself or any member of your family – pets included. By proceeding to read articles / posts, look at pictures, watch videos, contact Sarah Canga, and listen to audios you agree and accept these terms.