Tag Archives: fermented foods

Natural Medicine Cabinet Essentials: Medicinal Pickled Garlic

I came across this recipe several weeks ago and can’t stop talking about it! This is super easy to make and its delicious. Garlic is the perfect food for the Fall, lung/large intestine time of year.

What you need:

a mason jar, any size you like

enough cloves of garlic to fill your mason jar

apple cider vinegar (bragg’s is best, whatever you choose make sure it has the “mother” in it)

local raw honey

***If you hate peeling garlic as much as I do give this Garlic peeling trick a try, it really works!

Fill your mason jar with cloves of garlic and fill with apple cider vinegar to cover. Place in a warm place for 3 weeks. (if you place your jar in a sunny place the cloves of garlic may turn blue or green. This is normal and the garlic is perfectly fine. I had a batch that turned blue and then turned white again)

After your 3 weeks is up take half of the apple cider vinegar and set aside. You can use this for marinades or salad dressings. I’ve done both. I made a delicious pork tenderloin with this garlic infused apple cider vinegar and it was amazing. I also have used it as an oil and vinegar dressing for salad which was equally wonderful. Yesterday I used some to cook chicken with for a stir fry and the smell was mouth watering yum.  Its worth trying this just for the garlic infused marinade!

The other half of your vinegar you can place in a pan and add equal parts local raw honey. Heat just until the honey has blended with the vinegar so as not to kill all the good stuff in your mixture and pour back over your garlic. Set your jar in a dry cool place for another 3-4 weeks and then use as you wish. This should keep for up to 1 year.

The pickling process makes the garlic very easy to eat straight and with less of an intense “garlic breath” after effect. There is also an interesting phenomenon where when you eat one you will crave another. (the same is true for the marinade) Eat one clove a day for your health or 3 cloves a day to ward off a cold.

Let me know what you think!

Sarah Canga

p.s. If garlic breath is scaring you away from all the great benefits try 1 or 2 tablespoons of fresh parsley after eating garlic or chew on 2 teaspoons of fennel or cardamom seeds.

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